Bill de Blasio wife: Meet Chirlane McCray

Chirlane McCray met Bill de Blasio in 1991 when they both worked at New York City Hall for then-Mayor David Dinkins.

At the time, de Blasio was an aide to a deputy mayor and McCray was a speechwriter.

McCray first made a name for herself over forty years ago, as a writer, editor, and poet working at Redbook magazine.

Her early life growing up in Springfield, Massachusetts and later nearby Longmeadow informed much of her early writing and present-day political activism.

And despite identifying as a lesbian through much of her life, she found love in Bill de Blasio

Bill de Blasio wife: Meet Chirlane McCray

When did they marry, how many years have they been married and how many children do they have together?

McCray and de Blasio were married in 1994 in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

They have two children together. Seven months after their wedding, their daughter Chiara was born. Three years later, in 1997, their son Dante was born.
