What Was That About Brooke Hogan Being A Waste Of Space?

So despite the wedding being about Brooke Hogan and having a near obvious Ace's & 8's involvement, that didn't stop the segment from drawing a significantly larger number of viewership than anything else TNA's done in a good while? I guess that angle wasn't a waste of TV after all. But then again, we should know what the people want to see.

People have been nagging about the storyline for months. Self included. But I also said, I wasn't going to worry about it because it was filler holding out for something major. I'm guessing the marriage and Taz joining the bikers was that "bigger thing". But more to the point, It displayed a level of impatience from people here.


Oh yeah. I'm pointin' fingers, brother. I'm lookin' right atcha, IDR. Whatcha gonna do now, brother? *stiffens upper lip*


This isn't a matter of shoving Hogan down our throats (OK, maybe just a little). It was a matter of an angle that was built up and well advertised. It nabbed a good amount of viewers (yeah, the numbers aren't stellar, but it's a boost on the TNA scale). Did Bellator's debut had anything to do with it? If it did, I doubt it was significant. You don't change the channel to watch an upcoming show 15 minutes in advance. You do it to see what's airing before that show starts. And it was Brooke Hogan and that fat dude in the tye dye who stuttered getting married. And Hogan sticking his lip up and looking like Woody Woodpecker on steroids. And an attack from a biker gang.

Will the interest stay up next week? One can only hope. I mean the main event is Jeff Hardy vs Chris Daniels in a World title match after all. And just like the wedding, it has gotten a good amount of time to invest in and promote.
